
Showing posts from November, 2008

Birds of a Feather Endure Together... On Giving Thanks

Gathering around a table of abundance has become somewhat of a memory in these times of economic woes and worries. Though Thanksgiving is again upon us, it is with a heavy heart that thousands of American families will sit at their tables with less to enjoy and, sadly, less to be thankful for. During these trying times, as we await an historic transition in the early days of 2009, so many of us have found ourselves in unfamiliar territory. We of the wasteful lot are suddenly tackling the trials of the have-nots. And, as seen by the countless bailouts and handouts and begging and crashing going on, it is painfully obvious that we aren’t handling our new status very well at all. It is time for us as a people and a nation to admit that our way wasn’t necessarily the right way. It is time to acknowledge that perhaps our days of living richly, and selfishly, are behind us – at least for now. It is time for those of us who have been fortunate enough to keep our homes and our jobs to truly u

Reflections of the Day

“Rosa sat, so Martin could walk, so Obama could lead…” Written by a child, on poster board with markers, at home in Teaneck, NJ on November 4, 2008 Fine. So I admit that I have been rather lazy in keeping up with this blog. So sue me! Still, after all that has happened since my last entry on Halloween, I thought it was time I pulled myself up out of the writer's rut, hunkered down for a good, old fashioned write-fest and owned up to my languor. To start – In the United States we’re now on the cusp of a Brave New World, a New World Order, of sorts. On November 4, 2008 – a mere 143 years since he could have been owned via slavery – Barack H. Obama was clearly, definitely, no-glitches or miscounts, elected the 44th president of these United States of America. Can I get an Amen!? So let’s discuss. And by discuss I do not mean get into the man's platform or promises. That is what is going on at any given network or cable news program, even as I type. The talking heads will talk u