
Showing posts from August, 2009

Sleepless Mind - The Chaotic State of Awake

I believe I have been an insomniac-in-the-making since I was a very little girl. I believe this because I can vividly recall episodes where, rather than sleep contentedly at an assigned bedtime like other children, I preferred to stay awake late into the night worried, or worrying about things that were far beyond my young reach to change or comprehend. While everyone else retired to rest their bodies and mind, I found myself in a constant state of disquieted existence that tormented me. Instead of sleeping, I would find creative, albeit irrational, activities and thoughts with which to occupy the racing jumbled madness in my head. Although I often joke about my inability to sleep and my increasing dependency on sleep-assisting medications, I consider my situation dire. It is basically one of ongoing suffering. Not sleeping enough takes it toll on you mentally and physically. While I don't present myself as a perpetually exhausted person, in many ways, I believe that I am. I know

Juggling Relatives - The Busy, Busy Weekend!

The juggler in our house is Joe. He can actually juggle! He learned as a kid. I love watching him. The concentration on his face - as he tosses the colorful balls into the air where they appear to be airborne all at once - is fascinating! It's also not easy. Juggling looks like it's child's play, but believe me once you attempt to do it yourself, you realize how much skill must go into it to get it right. That is kind of how he and I felt this weekend as we juggled our relatives over the Saturday-Sunday blur with plenty of good times, good laughs and great fun! Sure, we're completely spent! Sure I am exhausted beyond words and at work, while Joe Puccio had the forethought to take today off and sleep in. But you know it was all well worth it! On Saturday, our plan was to have a belated celebration for my brother's birthday. We wanted to do something nice for him, so we treated them out to dinner then we had cake and ice cream back on the homestead