
Showing posts from May, 2011

On Life's Journey with Oprah

As Oprah Winfrey counts down the moments to the end of her historically innovative television show, revisiting her more poignant guests and topics, I can’t help but look back at the role she has played in my own life. Everyone has an Oprah episode they can’t forget – Oprah wheeling 67 pounds of fat on stage and ripping off a roomy robe to reveal a svelte shape in her Calvin Klein jeans. Oprah spontaneously revealing she had been a victim of sexual abuse as a child, thereby giving permission to all victims to speak up about their own shame. Oprah as she endlessly struggled with her weight before the unforgiving eyes of television cameras. Oprah, facing down members of the KKK, wearing her black skin as a shield against their hatred. Oprah standing before her international audience and announcing, 18 months ago, that she was ending her award-winning, game-changing, culture-altering, incredibly powerful The Oprah Winfrey Show . What will we all watch now? Twenty-five years is no