Back to Work Already?

Wow! We had three days to ourselves and here I am at the end of Monday and I already find there is a laundry list of things I had planned to accomplish that will go undone.

I think this is a mental thing. It’s like the more time we’re given, the less capable we become. On a normal 24-hour day, we know that we have to get up, get to work, work a full day, get home, feed ourselves, bathe or shower and prepare to do it again the next day. And yet we manage to fit all these little pieces of the puzzle of our lives into the allotted 24-hour time frame.

But give us a full day with no set plans and what do we do?
No, I am serious, what do we do with it? I thought maybe you had the answer.

I am asking myself how come I am still running around getting ready for the work week, when I should have had all this extra time today to be ready and maybe – possibly – be asleep in bed right now. Asleep…come on!

If you know anything at all about me, you know that sleeping is not one of my strengths. I am sorely lacking in the ability to conquer that ever elusive task. I am not wholly against it, mind you. I just always wondered why the emphasis and importance placed on it. And yet…the older I get the more I think I need to catch up on the first 25+ years of my life when I found sleep to be overrated.


Tomorrow is another FULL day at work. I have to get these old bones to bed. No more shuffling around the house in the near dark wondering what else I can do to prolong the inevitable. I will inevitably fall asleep. No more staring at the Hubby soundly asleep and wondering how I can do that, too! He is one those people who can hit the pillow and be out in 2.5 seconds flat. Wish! Wish upon a star - I so wish I could do that too. Instead I will lie there in pitch black and look up at a ceiling I can't see and just think. And think and think and think some more. About what? Every possible bit of nonsense, frivolous, trivial, inconsequential bit of thought anyone person can have.

Unfortunately, when I do finally fall asleep, it will happen at the most inopportune time, like I will probably pass out at my desk at work. And I am pretty sure that is not what is expected of me there.

I have often wondered what kind of career path I should have gone on with my sleep issues. Big Rig driver always caught my eye. The idea of little 5’2” me sitting behind the super sized steering wheel of an 18-wheeler makes me smile. There is something so majestic about it. I am sure the ‘glamour’ is more Height Envy than anything else. When you spend your life looking UP to everyone – whether or not they are worthy – you kind of get Height Envy. Still, I do like the idea of an open road and no obnoxious and/or micromanaging boss to answer to. I have this strangely masochistic desire to drive for an insane amount of miles on little to no sleep and crash only when there was no other alternative. Truck driving would also fulfill that wanderlust I have and the excitement I get each time I cross a bridge, toll road or back road into another state.

Well…it is almost 11 p.m. For once I will actually be the bigger person and decide that indeed, I do need to sleep. Tomorrow is another day…


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