How did I end up here?

Still stuck at the desk!

I am currently wondering how I arrived at this age (you know – 30-something) still working For The Man in Corporate America. I dislike corporate. Don't get me wrong, I like my company now and what it stands for, etc. It isn't this one company I don't like. It is corporate as a whole that I am uncomfortable in.

I hate its trivial tangling and full-of-crap rules. I despise the hierarchy that builds upon itself not by what you know, but by who you know. The every-where signs of favoritism that I witness, all carefully hidden in the proper wording and documentation, just sicken me. And the strange tactics used day in and day out make me feel - on a good day - like I am on a planet not our own. And this is not by any means a slight to my current employer, but an overall view of corporate as I have always seen it and lived it. Carbon copies of each other, no matter where you go! I find its daily routine suffocating and demoralizing. Corporate is definitely NOT where I can be me.

There is a TV commercial out now for American Express. It is so clever, I do not get tired of watching it. It stars Ellen Degeneres and Beyoncé. After a quick good-bye, Beyoncé tells Ellen to have Ellen's people call Beyoncé’s people to have concert tickets sent to Ellen.
Then Ellen, in her charming and likeable every-day persona, wonders aloud: “Why can’t one person just call the other?” as she struggles through futile attempts to find “people” to call her own. Basically, why all the phony-baloney just to be in touch? I so get her!

That is how I am and that is how I view corporate. Why can’t people just freaking be people – themselves not their professional character roles – and just be true and real? Why can’t they speak to one another on a HUMAN level and not on that obnoxious robotic (professional) level where they are their job title and description and can’t – for a second – get off and be normal and not be prepared at the drop of a hat – to throw someone to the lions for their own benefit?
Yeah, these people exists, people. And they make me ill.

Corporate is truly the home of survival of the fittest, not the survival of the nicest, or the most honest and definitely not the kindest! The aforementioned are the ones who perish in the flames of the heartless and cruel who are at the top of their game. Be wary, I always say, of she (or he) who sits atop it all, because beneath his or her feet lie many dead bodies lost in battle – you know – NICE dead bodies.

Ah, venting! What a freeing experience! Speaking of freedom... I have come to think of myself as a discreetly limited free spirit. That means that you won't find me trekking cross-country in a stolen Winnebago, or jogging topless at a nude beach (not that there is anything wrong with that!) but you may find me daydreaming about road trips with the hubby to nearby states to visit sleepy towns and interesting iconic locations, or thinking about far-off trips to Europe, or the Caribbean or my wish to visit Australia! Seriously, my only limitation is cash!

I think what I like is the idea of not having a set schedule. The 9 to 5 life is awful. I like it when I can wake up on ANY given day and say: Hey! Let's take a road trip! THAT is why I need the kind of free-spirit-encouraging job that allows me to live the life I crave and I think that job is called BOOK AUTHOR. By the way, I am more so trying to convince myself as to what I need to do, as I am trying to convey my wishes upon my blog readers.

But alas, for now I answer to The Man and I work for The Man so that The Man can help me pay my mortgage to the Other Man. But don’t count me out yet. I plan to be appearing on a bookshelf in a bookstore near you...soon!


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