In the Beginning...

Welcome! This is my first foray into Blogging and I am hoping not to make a complete fool of myself. Odd, you might say, considering the amount of writing I do and the passion I have for the "sport" of writing. What? You don't consider it sport? Well, if you had the limitations I do, this would be on your short list of activities that take a lot of (brain) muscle.
I think it eerily appropriate that when I looked at the time I am starting my blog, it was 10:20 a.m. As a date, 10/20/40 holds great significance for me, as it was the birthday of my sweet mother, whom I lost in June 2006. There are a lot of reasons I feel like I let my mother down, but the main one remains that in her lifetime I never did anything so outrageously great that she could take with her. One of my dreams was to place a book in her hands that had the author listed as Marilyn Lara Puccio. The Puccio came after I married, but really I just wanted to give to her the gift that her daughter had taken advantage of the sacrifices she made when she came to this country in 1969. It couldn’t have been easy for her. I mean here she was a shy, religious young woman from South America where, to be completely honest, she lived the life of a psuedo-nun under the reign of her much-feared father and his Old World ways. I guess you can’t wholly blame Grandfather Marco. After all, it’s what he knew and being left a widower with a house full of 10 kids (all yours) could not have been easy on the man.
Oprah Winfrey says that: "when you know better, you do better". That is why I can't blame the poor man, or make him look evil in my writings. I have to think of my grandfather not as a tyrant who had vastly different rules for the raising of his sons as compared to the raising of his daughters. He didn’t know any better.
Anyway…that was back in the day.

Today, I have a lot of regrets, but not in that bad way that you think of when you say: I shoulda-woulda-coulda done this or that, but in the manner in which you know you no longer have control and no amount of lamenting will change that. My Mom is gone and I know that I will never physically be able to place that book in her hard-working hands. For that I am sorry. However, I am eternally grateful to her and to my Dad for coming to America to start a life and a family here. I doubt very much that the opportunities and medical advances I have benefitted from here would have been a possibility there. No offense to the family back in the Motherland, mind you, but lets just say that I am quite content to be Living in America.

So the purpose of this blog will be to share the ramblings on of a 30-something female with a lot to say and no good venue to share it. What in the world did people do before the Internet?

I ask that you bear with me as I launch this blog and finally embark on the blogging scene jumping in with both feet! Here I go!!!!!!


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