What’s that you say? A Sunny Day?

Normally the weather report doesn’t make such an impact that I should decide it is worthy of its own blog entry. However, as I mentioned yesterday, the month of May has been so rainy that a full four-day forecast of escalating 70+ degrees of sunny days makes an impact. Add that to the fact that it is Memorial Day weekend and a shot day at work and you know that I feel pretty damn great!

Sunshine coupled with my early escape from work and a nearly empty office to start with has all the ingredients to start off the Memorial Day weekend with a bang!

A little bird told me that I have made some references to my health (or lack thereof), but not fully delved into it. This brilliant birdie suggested I add some details to the mystery to avoid confusion. At first I thought, well that should bore someone to tears. But then I said: Oh, hell no! Not the way I will weave that tale!

However, I am going to post that part in its own entry. Seeing as how it encompasses such a huge chunk of my existence, I think it deserves at least that much respect.

But back to now. When I opened my closet this morning to decide the level of warmth I would need for the day, 1010 WINS radio’s news anchor Judy DeAngelis was reporting animatedly about the warm and gorgeous days ahead. As she did, she led in to John Montone’s field report. Montone is a character. He reports on the City with his own spin on things and dry humor that only a New Yorker could understand. Today he reported from Coney Island where the local shop owners were already setting up for what could be a very profitable three-day weekend. “Lots of folks staying local this year cause the gas prices,” said one man to Montone, his breath labored from lifting and moving things in his boardwalk pizza place. Montone spoke to a couple visiting from New Zealand. The pair seemed genuinely amazed bearing witness to the historic Cyclone roller coaster, stating that while their country had lovely beaches, none had an amusement park right on the beach like ours did. It’s funny how things look to people looking in from the outside. Poor Coney Island! To us it’s just a place where it used to be cool to go. Now no one local wants to step foot there. It hasn’t seen a decent crowd since its heyday in a while. According to an amusement park history website, “Few roller coasters have achieved the legendary status that the Coney Island Cyclone has.” And yet poorly cared for and recently put up for sale, that place needs a sugar daddy to stay alive.

I just realized what a role 1010 WINS plays in my life. It is on our radios at home, so we can listen, as we get ready for work. It’s first on my a.m. dial, so I can listen in the car. And it’s the first web page I open when I get in to work each day. And I won’t drive an inch unless I have heard the traffic and transit report to decide how I will navigate any destination I have plans to get to. It really is quite the handy thing to have at your disposal and I wonder if other big cities across the nation have any that comes close to it.

Well, this first entry is going to be short and sweet – like my workday today.

PS I wore a light white cardigan over a sleeveless brownish v-neck print top, dark wash jeans, my golden bronze Sketchers - sans socks - and a smile. I haven't yet brought myself to whip out the summer wear. Maybe next week....


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