Hershey + Chocolate + Spa = Bliss…

After a full and very welcome 10-day separation from the office, I am unhappily back at work. In the interim, I was completely separated, as well, from Internet and my blog. However, I am back to reality and this is the first entry. Sit back and relax – this will be a long one!

Joe and I spent the time off traipsing through the beautiful state of Pennsylvania. Accompanying us this time around was our new favorite gadget, the GPS. What a marvelous little invention this is with its countless loaded maps, restaurant and local shopping directions and superior knowledge of all points of interest, as well as random addresses and little known streets. The voice of the “woman” who navigates us is equal parts stern (like a librarian) and pleasant (like a reassuring travel companion). As a result of this addition, we were emboldened to set out for unknown regions with fearless abandon.

In truth, we did have set plans that were, for all intents and purposes, set in stone (or credit card bills). We would leave early Monday morning, spend the day exploring the non-Hershey Park attractions that the themed location has to offer, eat at some place not commonly found in our neighborhoods, and rest for Tuesday’s adventures.

Hershey, Pennsylvania is a curiously intriguing American town. The hand- and footprint of Milton Hershey are so embedded in the culture and its people that you’re hard pressed to find a place in town that is not at least partially affected by the famous candy man. On a trolley tour of the historic town, as well as a small, internal tour of the chocolate-making process, we learned quite a bit about the man behind the chocolate bar. At the end, what I took away from these pleasantly played out history lessons was that perseverance is key (Mr. Hershey failed at least three times in his quest for candy greatness), kindness and compassion are admirable traits (he and his wife Kitty could not have children, so they adopted a school full of orphaned, poor boys), and taking care of your own will pay off in the end (he built homes for his employees to be able to walk to work and sold them the land for a buck!). The experience of Hershey will remain with me for many years to come.

Although it is Hershey Park, with its 11 death-defying roller coasters, its Zoo America and its new Boardwalk and water park that brings the crowds in droves to the area, for me the amusement park experience did not begin until I landed at the entrance of the fabled Hershey Spa at the Hotel Hershey. I honestly cannot say that Milton Hershey had a thing to do with the creation of the spa. However, perhaps the visionary candy pioneer’s ongoing concern with the well being of his employees, of the orphaned boys in his charge and of his small town as a whole, were key in laying the first bricks for the creation of this feel-good spa.

The Hershey Spa is not my first spa experience, but if it were my last, I would be quite content, as it was sheer bliss from beginning to end. I knew I was on my way to an amazing day from the moment I made that left turn onto Hotel Road, across from the Hershey Arena, Park and Chocolate World. That place alone sounds heavenly to me!

As I drove up the beautifully landscaped grounds to the circular drive leading the castle-like Hotel Hershey, I knew I was in for a real treat. What better way to celebrate a birthday week, right?

The entrance to the spa itself is separate from the hotel’s entrance though it is all connected like a compound, sans the negative connotations of the word. It is off to the extreme left beneath a long, green awning with the words The Spa simply stated on the awning’s front. Next to the entrance is a marble in ground pool with crystal clear water and impressive mosaic tiling on the bottom.

I entered the Spa, carefully following the signs to a circular staircase leading up to it. Once I reached the top of the richly carpeted and historically decorated hallways, I opened the dark mahogany double doors to the spa itself. The first thing I faced was the very high, domed ceiling painted like an endless sky and a stunning gold chandelier hanging from its center. Directly under the chandelier, a very large, round marble-top table with a stunning vase and flower arrangement made an inviting appearance. To my left were products for sale sporting the Spa’s signature scents and treatments. Beneath my feet was an intricate tile floor with hues of golds, whites and blues screaming of detail and luxury and richness. On the reception counter, and I would soon discover everywhere else, were crystal dishes brimming with Hershey Kisses giving a hint of distinction from all other spas. I encountered a couple of groups of young women (bridal parties, I thought), as well as two old girlfriends (my guess in their mid-80s) ready for a day of pampering. To be honest, the place was swamped and it was a Wednesday! I think I knew from the moment I entered that this spa experience would be different from all previous ones.

After introductions and payments, a lovely girl named Amy escorted me to the spa area. She was holding a clipboard and called me by name and knew my day’s treatments as if she had been waiting for me all week. First things first – I was handed an impossibly plush robe with the spa logo on it, a towel so fluffy and thick, it could have stood up on its own and (quite possibly) the world’s most comfy slippers. After showing me to a generously large changing room and my own computerized locker, Amy gave me a quick tour of the spa.

There is no question that the place is there to cater to the needs of its guests. No detail is left to chance and every effort is made to carefully tend to you. After Amy showed me the round room (with brightly lighted mirror stations, each with its own hair dryer and curling iron), the toiletries station (with every tool and product you could possibly ever want in your own bathroom and some things you’d never think of), and the ample showers (with spa products to use to your heart’s content), I was sold.

Afterwards, Amy walked me up another round staircase with floor to ceiling windows lighting the way. There she showed me to the Relaxation Room – a long room with comfortable lounge and plush chair seating, a fireplace at the very front and two openings to sit outside on balconies either covered or uncovered. In the room was a buffet with lovely baked goods, coffees, teas, hot chocolate and a large clear urn of fresh squeezed lemonade. Fine bone china cups and saucers were carefully piled in a pyramid, as well as small dessert dishes, the ubiquitous Hershey Kisses and small forks and napkins. The Relaxation Room is a place set aside to eat, read and chat quietly with friends. The lights are soft and slightly dimmed for your comfort.

Amy left me there and told me that Susan would call me by name when my first treatment was to start. After enough time for me to enjoy my stay in Relaxation, Susan showed up. She walked me to the Rain Shower Spa, explaining along the way that she would be conducting it and that afterwards, I could remove my bathing suit for the remainder of my stay. Susan and I stepped into a large tiled room, where a cylindrical high shower with jets at every angle and a heck of a control tower just outside of it set the stage for my first stop of the day. Susan helped me out of my robe and I stepped into the shower. Like a symphony in motion, she started a twisting and turning and knobs, faucets and temperature gauges and before I knew it, I was immersed in the soothing warmth of watery bliss. After what seemed like a happy forever, Susan whipped out the hose. No kidding! A hose was connected to the controls she was alternating all the while. She told me it would shock me for a second, but that it would be relaxing. She was right! With precise expertise, Susan used the hose to target all the pressure points where stress resides. By the time it was over, I almost slid out of the shower onto the floor.

In true service-oriented fashion, Susan had a plastic bag open and ready for me to deposit my soaked bathing suit. She pointed to the changing space in the shower area and closed the curtain for privacy. She waited patiently for me and when I came out in my robe, she handed me a couple of Kisses. Susan then told me that Stacy would be providing my cocoa bean facial and that she would come get me when it was time. She invited me to walk around the spa grounds, use the pool or fitness area or just sit and relax. I chose the latter because (a) I had already removed my bathing suit and (b) why on earth would I ruin a spa day with the gym?

When Stacy showed up, she had a towel on her shoulder and was ready to go. She took me to a small room with lavender walls and a comfy leather chair. She tilted back my head and examined my skin. She proclaimed me free of acne or clogged pores and commended me for my obsessive, compulsive use of high SPF sunscreens. She then began my facial, which, oddly, smelled little of chocolate and lots like caramel, strawberry, rose, and mint. It opened up my nostrils and I was slightly dizzy from its intensity. Once Stacy was through rubbing, cleansing, hot toweling, cupping and moisturizing my face, I felt like the prototypical baby’s ass.

She then asked me if I felt good and I told her good wasn’t a strong enough word. Stacy then told me that Jill would be around and call me by name for my third treatment, the Milk & Honey Soak. She left me back at the Relaxation Room, where I was suddenly famished again and was grateful for the lemon poppy muffin and coffee I had there.

I was still leafing through a magazine, mesmerized by the lovely flames in the fireplace, the silky touch on my cheeks, smiling dumbly with blissful joy and thankfulness, when Jill came in and called for me. Like the ladies before her, Jill was in uniform (comfy looking white scrubs with the Spa logo on the top) and holding a clipboard. We walked over to the soaking tub, a huge corner jet spa enclosed by tiled walls and a curtain. The tub was waiting for me – full and gently whirling with sweetly scented steam rising up from it, a couple of towels at arm’s reach for later and a cold bottle of water with the Spa name on it, plus a line of Hershey Kisses arranged around part of the tub’s edge. Jill explained that once I sat in it, waterfalls would begin to flow on my shoulders from two spouts embedded in the tub, at which time she would depart and leave me to enjoy my soak. Once Jill was out of sight, the jetted tub of water began its massage mode and the waterfall started. Soon a light show beneath me began as well. Although I know this was not the case, it seemed to me like the colored lights -- coming up through the water and lighting the darkened space -- kept in tune with the classical music that softly permeates the spa at all times (except in the Silent Room, of course!).

Speaking of…across the way is the Silent Room. I spent some time in there, as well. As its name details you are to be still and silent while there. You can read, meditate or rest, or just stare out. Here, as in every room, is another glass urn of lemonade. Plastic cups with the spa logo also state that they’re made from 80% recycled paper. All this and they’re green, too!

Following my delectable soak, Jill returned to help me out of the tub, handing me the robe discreetly, so as not to catch a free show. She told me that my massage therapist, Lydia, would not be calling for me for a few minutes and that I was welcome to use the showers, if I wished. Like I would turn that down! I thoroughly enjoyed showering in that large space with more jets and Spa products to use at my discretion. I finished and wrapped myself in one of the delicious, warm towels left for me. I went to one of the light and mirror stations and moussed up my hair before gently blow-drying it. I moisturized with all the crèmes. The scents were so good; I was relaxed just being there. I went back to the area with the rooms and discovered a third theme room.

The extra room is aptly called the Inhalation Room. In this small, glass-enclosed room, three long, thin openings in the ceiling continuously infuse the air with calming scents such as lavenders and eucalyptus. I went in there with a book and some insanely good hot cocoa. I sat and read and reveled in my perfectly perfect day. I thought about how blessed I am to be able to experience something like this in my life. I thought about how classes are separated by income and how only a small few can enjoy this kind of day regularly and others only hope to. I thought about how some, like myself, have to save and scrimp for it just once and do not take a second of it for granted.

When Lydia came for me I was in the kind of blissful, meditative state you achieve when all your worlds meet and everything falls into a perfect flow of goodness and you can’t think of a thing that could be wrong with the moment. I floated down the round staircase behind Lydia, half listening, and half dreaming. I heard saying things like scented oils, music if you wish and dim room, but really I was barely listening at this point.

When we arrived, I noticed my massage room was called Exotic Passions. Ooh, la, la!
It was decorated in deep ambers and splashes of soft pink and orange lighting. We had passed several other rooms with equally appealing names and colors. She had me lay face down first on a pre-warmed massage bed. Midway I flipped over to get Side B tended to, also. From the moment I was down, she began my long awaited and highly anticipated chocolate massage. This was it! The cherry on top of my absolutely flawless day! I could barely contain myself!

With her soothing voice, Lydia coaxed me into a restful breathing exercise. She told me to clear my mind and not think. If you know me, you know that is a feat for me! She then filled her hands with chocolate-scented oils and began. She kneaded and rolled and molded me into a pulp. I was butter in her hands. I did not know where I ended and she began. She hit every sore muscle and relaxed every inch of me. I swore the stress was slipping out of me through my toes. She massaged my scalp and my temples and even my chin. At some point, without warning, I know I dozed off. What I know for sure is that whatever dreamy state followed my slumber in Lydia’s massage room was full of sweet, perfect chocolate dreams.

At the end of my day, Lydia walked me back to Relaxation. There she invited to stay the day and enjoy all the rest of what the spa had to offer, including the pool, the Jacuzzi, the fitness room, yoga, Tai Chi, Aquatic Aerobics and Nature Walks. I kicked myself for not researching the spa further and planning for this ahead. As it turned out, like my Spa Day, our time at the hotel was soon to expire and I had to rush back so Joe and I could check out. It’s ok, though. I fully intend to return there because it’s the closest thing to Heaven I can think of right now.


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