Raining Like Gatos and Perros

Holy moley! What a storm!

I made it in on time this morning purely by the grace of God. There was an accident on the bus route and we sat for a while as it cleared out. It seems to me today that the gates of Heaven have opened up allowing torrential rains to pound the earth mercilessly. It has been almost non-stop since yesterday evening. Before I say another word on this, just as an FYI, No! We’re not flooded. That too is a miracle because the amount of rain and its consistency of this storm have all the necessary evils to cause such a catastrophe. I suspect this storm is somehow tied to the narrow end of that Hurricane Dolly that slammed into the Mexico and Texas border.

However, since it is still raining (and is expected to continue all day), I cannot cry victory just yet. (For safety’s sake, I put my remaining photo albums and Coach bags on top of our high bed. Priorities!). Better safe than sorry and I learned that lesson the hard way! It’s sad that each time it rains this much I get slightly paranoid. Last night, for example, I yelled at Joe because I really thought that we should grab our stuff and our pets and head for higher, dryer ground. He gave me that look that says: “Why are you insane?” Come to think of it, he gives me that look a lot lately. And to be honest, on most days, I actually do feel insane. I yelled some more because I was angry with him for being so nonchalant about it and going to sleep on time, as if it didn’t matter. I think maybe he got into bed and snickered a bit and laughed into his pillow because he wife is a certifiable nut. Meanwhile, back in the living room, I stayed up a while longer, peeking outside every now and then to make sure nothing was floating down the street. I figured that would be a good clue to determine if we needed to run out of there fast!

When I finally made it into work today, people who saw me immediately asked how my house was. “Hey, Marilyn! How’s your house? I was thinking about you with all this rain!” Yeah, that’s what it has come to…On days when it rains, the first thing people of think of is: Hope Marilyn and Joe’s house didn’t flood or float away! So pathetically sad and yet oddly comforting to know people care. Even a company big wig - in the truest sense of the word - came out of his office suite to ask me if we had flooding in the house this time. Aww, taking time out of ruling his little chunk of the world to ask little old me if I still have a home to go back to tonight. Sweet!

So, as I was saying, put your minds at ease. Our house is fine. Talk to me tonight and see how it goes. I do have a gauge I use, to put my own mind at ease when it rains like today. There are these two gigantic rocks in the river at the end of Lincoln Blvd. Depending upon how much of the rocks are under water will determine how much worrying I will do. I keep in mind that when we did flood, the rocks were completely under water. I actually thought that they had floated away because I couldn’t believe that the water was that high. When it all receded and I saw the rocks again I thought:
My God! How high was that river?

When I drove by this morning, as is my now ingrained habit, I looked at the rocks to make sure that I could see most if not all of their girth. I breathed a sigh of suspended belief to see that they were mostly visible, standing strong and proud against the mighty rain. I love those rocks! Relieved, I took a long, last look down the boulevard toward our street and asked St. Anthony to watch over it and let us “find” it intact when we came home. St. Anthony is my dude in the saint world. Never let’s me down, that guy! Therefore, I am going on pure faith today because it’s all I have. When I get home tonight, everything will be as we left it!

P.S. Just as I am getting ready to post this entry, the rains have stopped. The sun has come out fat with shining pride. There is some blue in the sky and I can't see a cloud to speak of. Thanks, St. Anthony! You're the man!


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