Happy Halloween!

We didn't get dressed up this year...Boo hoo! No costumes were fussed over and no make-up will be applied. The last time we went all out on Halloween was about two years ago. Joe went as the Tin Man and I went as Dorothy, Toto-in-basket and all. I was absolutely giddy that year because, if you know anything at all about me, you know that I adore The Wizard of Oz. Joe was such a good sport, allowing me to coat his face with silver make-up and tolerating a slightly (says me) uncomfortable costume that left little to the imagination, just so he could accompany me to a costume party at one of my friend’s houses.
St. Joseph…That’s actually what Fr. Paul called him for sticking by me through thick, thin and everything in between. Fr. Paul is our Roman Catholic connection; he was the priest who officiated at our wedding.

So anyhow, that is the last costume I have worn on Halloween and the best! The year before that Joe and I went as some sort of zombie doctor or surgeon and his sexy, dead zombie nurse. I did the gruesome gash on Joe’s cheek with make-up myself. I was rather impressed with the outcome, too! A year or two before we donned the dead medics attire, we hung out at this club in Sunnyside, Queens, called The Orchard. They had their annual Halloween bash and we went with a few friends. That year I was Cleopatra. I spent something like $40 on this gold, beaded headdress, a spent another small fortune on a snake bangle bracelet, extra gaudy earrings and a chunky gold chocker. Joe settled on a plastic mask of Gene Simmons from KISS, tongue out and all. We actually have this one adorable picture where it looks like he is licking my cheek because he has the KISS mask on and is against my face. Those were great times!

I miss dressing up for this holiday. I miss all the time spent picking and choosing and outfit. I miss the excitement leading up to the big day. This year was such a drag all around. It’s this damn economy. It has people in the dumpsters. Last year, the people on the 7th floor at my job all got dressed up. It was the coolest thing ever. The VP of that floor dressed as the Tin Man (popular!) and brought in his adorable golden doodle pup, named Teddy, dressed as the scarecrow. It was to die for. Appropriate, since it was Halloween. This year I ran over there to take pictures of this year’s get-ups and found, a seemingly different group of folks all together. Oh, they were the same people but their pep was pooped. I asked what was wrong. The response came mainly as a collective groan. Mostly the excuses were the economy – damn you George W. Bush! Others included not “feeling it” this year. Being swamped at work. And the saddest excuse of them all “couldn’t care enough to make the effort.” I returned to my desk, camera unused and fully charged in hand, with a slight slouch to my shoulders. Wasn’t just us, I thought.

I guess I am kind of concerned that we’ll get old and boring sooner rather than later. I am against aging as a general rule. I am a firm believer in acting immaturely for as long is is legally possible! As you might have gauged from previous emails, old is something I fight like a plague. I want to be like the Wizard of Oz film states at the beginning, I want to be forever “Young at Heart!” So next year I hope (HOPE!) to done another silly costume with my Big Poppa Pooch!

On a much brighter note, my niece Ellie will be Minnie Mouse this year and I suspect that a cuter mouse could not be had in all the land! I can’t wait to see her costume!


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