Gathered and Grateful...At the Mulligans

I am sending this out now because last weekend is about to be a memory now that a new one is upon us.

Anyone who knows me knows the value that I place on love and family. Both are at the core of my being and at the center of the things that make me happy. This past weekend I had both love and family and I couldn’t have been happier.

We were invited to Rob and Victoria’s home in Upstate New York. While it isn’t the first time we have been there, going there improves with age, like fine wine. This time around, the Mulligans graciously invited my brother Mikey, sister-in-law, Sandy and niece, Ellie, as well. The gathering was to double as a belated birthday celebration for me. Not surprisingly, I was giddy with excitement as the day neared for the big weekend!

Warm, relaxed and always welcoming, the Mulligan home has become the gathering place of the Puccio clan, which now includes the Frakes, the Philips and, this time around, even the Laras. At this beautifully tended country home there is always something pleasing to the senses. The candles burn softly filling the rooms with sweetly scented air. The food and the fun go hand in hand. The conversation is always easy, lively and loving. The kindness overflows.

As everyone arrives, we all simply and completely fall into our roles that are as comfortable as old slippers. We laugh and we talk and play catch-up, since our quirky, complicated, full lives make it impossible to catch up every day. This time around, we added Mikey, Sandy and Ellie to our equation. Something that would prove itself to be greater than expected, as Ellie was the Little Lady I know her to be and Victoria would later proclaim her “most polite little girl” she has ever met. I simply wanted to share her with everyone else because I love her so. Ellie told me many times during her stay that she liked being there very much.

Not surprisingly, the singular canine guest, my dog Obie, takes advantage of the pouring of love he receives each time he visits. He basks in the splendor or being petted and loved and spoken to and hugged and photographed, always photographed. Who can help it? He is positively photogenic! He wonders quietly why the singular feline resident, Belle, just won’t take to him, spending the time hiding out in the Master Bedroom. Obie must want to tell her, “But my own cat, Penny Lane loves me. Why can’t you?” Alas, these two can only be friends from afar, as Belle is not ready to trust her cousin yet!

Rob and Victoria slip into their hosting roles with the ease of experts. He heads to the grill as she preps and presents. All manner of goodies - all tasty and lovely foods become the backdrop to our day. They go about whipping up a great meal and it becomes an intricate part of the festivities every time. As we nibble and chat, snack and snicker, giggle and laugh we’re all part of one larger whole.

The hours pass unnoticed, as everyone finds a place to relax. Whether it is the porch, the deck, the living room or just going for a stroll, we each seek the comforts of our surroundings.

While I am busy somewhere with Ellie, birthday candles are lit on a decadent chocolate cake. I am called down and the family gathers to sing happy birthday to me and to Luke, who also celebrates in the great month of July. I love looking around at the faces in this circle, knowing that this is my family – an extension I came upon when I married Joe – one I added to the larger one I was born into. These are the people who are the puzzle pieces of what make me the person I am and give me the life I have.

As Day One dwindles down, one branch of the growing family tree says good night, content and relaxed. The other branch settles in for the night. When Ellie and her parents and Joe and I go to the apartment of the house, we’re greeted by more of the special, unique touches that make coming here such a pleasure. A restful, beautifully laid out place with little hints of thoughtful hosts surround us. Soon, once all goes dark, slumber overtakes us and we all fall fast asleep.

The morning greets us with sunshine and deep blue skies. In the big house upstairs, Rob and Victoria (and her Mom lending a hand) are again preparing the first meal. Ellie and I make our way up and she offers to help me set the table, as Victoria finishes up the breakfast and Rob and Joe run out for bagels. In a moment’s time, there is a beautifully laid out table that as visually appetizing, as it is delicious. Some kind of egg quiche with such richness and flavor, our taste buds woke before a splash of coffee touched our lips. Bagels so fresh and good, we thought perhaps the bagel maker was hidden in the kitchen somewhere. Everything topped off with good coffee, juices and sweets and we know with absolutely certainty that we are all quite blessed.

There’s another family stroll in the works, one Obie takes full advantage of with Ellie holding his leash. We discover we can catch stunning views of the Hudson River just steps from the Mulligan home and I whip out the camera to freeze the moments in time. In a couple of hours, our weekend will come to an end and Monday will be upon us once more. All this beauty and serenity, all these lush greens and stunning blues will be part of memories made. Still, these are our memories made and for however long we get to remember them, we will be grateful.


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