Getting Some ‘nook’-ey


I’m in no way qualified to review a new gadget. However, I can bring one thing that those in “the gadget know” cannot bring: A real point-of-view opinion from a regular gal.

Starting Line

As far as gadgets go, I’m about as savvy as a third-grader entering high school. Attempting to review a new technical device is a first for me. Please refrain from laughing! My techno-suave maneuverings go only as far as necessary to get by in our fast-paced world without seeming fossil-like to others. Despite being technologically challenged, I do enjoy the latest and greatest and I force myself to understand them, whenever possible.

So imagine my delight when I got the chance to play with Barnes & Noble’s new e-Book Reader the ‘nook’? I had the ‘nook’ right in my hands, teasing and pulling me in for a trial run. It was an opportunity for me to bring one of my great loves together with one of my great phobias. The ‘nook’ is going to let me fuse reading and technology in a peaceful, unified manner. For a split second, I felt as if I was cheating on the many books that line my shelves at home. But then I got over it!

I freely admit that I fell in love this e-reader! Granted, my demo-device wasn’t a keeper, but that’s fine because I am the kind of person who needs to walk in new sneakers for a week before I decide if I love or hate them. When playtime was over, I decided I want a ‘nook’ sooner rather than later! For the privilege of this one-on-one time with the ‘nook’, I was willing to look past my fears to explore the next frontier of reading. As a voracious reader, how could I resist the challenge?

My first impression, when I held the ‘nook’ was that it had a quality I was immediately drawn to. It look’s hot! The ‘nook’ has something along the lines of curb appeal: You see it and you want to know more. It is attractive and easy on the eye.

The Barnes & Noble ‘nook’ is the latest contender to enter the (mostly) three-ring circus of e-Book Readers – Amazon’s Kindle, Sony’s e-reader and now, the ‘nook’. A smorgasbord of reader options! Yet, I believe the ‘nook’ has come out determined to take the grand prize. Referred to by some as the Kindle Killer, I think ‘nook’ has the kind of tricks up its sleeve that could very well accomplish that lofty goal. Advanced software, touch options and color make this e-Reader the one to wish for.

Of course, opinions are subjective, so I will add validity to my words by stating a fact. The ‘nook’ was just named the Best New Gadget of 2009 in the third annual Crunchies Awards. Not impressed? Well, the two previous years’ honorees were the Apple iPhone and iPhone 3G. It’s hard to believe that the ‘nook’ just rode in on the caboose of the e-reader train phenomenon. And considering some of the competition this year – the Motorola Droid, Zune HD and the Apple Magic Mouse –I’d say that ‘nook’ certainly has something to smile about.

Touch is the New Black

One of the best features that I love about the ‘nook’ is the 3.5-inch LCD color touch strip, beneath its 6-inch epaper screen. The touch strip displays book, newspaper and magazine covers just as you would see them in the Barnes & Noble stores. This feature instantaneously makes the device a hit because everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words. A lot of the traditional books I purchase made it to my bookcase by impressing me from the outside in. Sure, my way means I’ve probably missed out on reading a few great ones, but hey, I didn’t pick the dust jacket design!

The touch feature strip allows you to touch and scroll your way through countless selections to preview and purchase. I happily spent the better part of an hour just scrolling back and forth because it looks so pretty and is so easy. Touch is all the rage today! Bulky, outdated push buttons, like those featured in a large keyboard on the Kindle, are so yesterday! And touch is only the beginning…

Go Ahead and Save a Tree!

I don’t live in a mansion. I have limited space available to me and, short of asking my husband to move to the shed, I can no longer make any additional room for my beloved books. As of now, my books take up a floor-to-ceiling space in our home office and spill out to places – both hidden and visible – all over our house. A ‘nook’ would eliminate that problem for me, not to mention make me a hit with tree huggers and greenies everywhere! Not that I could ever really give up real books all together!

Happy Travels

If it hasn't already become crystal clear, the ‘nook’'s size makes it a perfect companion for the next time I have to travel. There is nothing more unfortunate than trying to appear put together, whilst attempting to pull your bulky, hardcover book, crushed beneath standard three-ounce toiletries, from a carry-on that is haphazardly shoved beneath your seat in coach. There is an element of style cramping that occurs when you pop open that book and your in-flight neighbor lets you know, in a not-so-subtle way, that you’re infringing upon their precious space. Tsk! Tsk! Try to be flyer-friendly and read from your ‘nook’!

Let’s talk Device & Design

There was already a lot at stake when the brains behind the ‘nook’ jumped into the pit of e-readers. There were things to consider from its inception. How do they one-up their competitors? What can they bring to the table that hasn’t already filled a plate? More importantly, how do they appeal to their customers in the same way the stores have done for so long? To start, the ‘nook’s shape, size and texture demonstrate a well thought out instrument. Things like page flipping and screen saver designs are bonuses you don't expect, but when you have them, you have to say: What a great idea! The 'nook' comes at you chock full of smart and nifty details, which the majority of the reading public will love for the ease of use, comfort, portability and style.

And speaking of style

The ‘nook’ won’t just become the go-to e-Reader for its many charms and features; it will also be the one that makes you look good just by carrying one. Designer covers by such known names as Kate Spade and Jonathan Adler will add personal charm to your ‘nook’. Not a fan of designer looks? Don’t worry, I hear that leather wraps and silicone sleeves are also in ‘nook’s vault of goodies. And even though it’s really about getting your read on any time, anywhere, it’s nice to look good doing it.

The Nuts and Bolts

What can I write to make this more of a review and less of a cheering section? Well, I can say that I am impressed with the font clarity and the eye-friendly screen on the ‘nook’. I kept forgetting I was reading on a device and not right from a traditional book page. I loved that! Some of us old school readers need a bit of handholding as we cross that threshold between the physical book and the e-book. The ‘nook’ uses E Ink® technology for easy-to-read text. Its screen has no glare or backlight to disrupt your reading comfort. You can adjust your text size to accommodate your vision. When was the last time a traditional book allowed you to do that?

Good Things Come in Small Packages

I like that the ‘nook’ fit easily into one hand. According to the Barnes & Noble web site, the specs are as follows: ‘nook’ is 7.7 inches in height, 4.9 inches in width, a mere 0.5 inches in depth. It weighs in at just 12.1 ounces! If that doesn’t scream sexy, I don’t know what does! If the ‘nook’ was any larger with extra girth and no give, I would probably not be comfortable committing to one long-term. I also love the speed with which I was able to download a book and have it reader-ready before I was done searching for another book. I love that searching through its vast library is as simple as pulling up the touch keyboard, typing in a name or title and hitting Search. Add a bunch of free titles and the ability to lend my e-books to friends and I am hooked!

And in Conclusion

Okay, I’ve sung the praises of the style, charm, features, size and ease of the ‘nook’. I stopped short of shouting some alleluias. But before I close the shop, I have to add that I am beginning to understand…the ‘nook’ really is made to appeal to even the most reluctant traditional book readers and even more so to the gadget phobic!

Go ahead and whip out your ‘nook’! Don’t worry! Everyone is looking!

Full Disclosure: I work for Barnes & Noble, but I was not asked to review the nook. I did so on my own.


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