Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Time is up for Scott MacIntyre. The legally blind contestant, a first for American Idol, was booted off on last night’s episode in what was one of the show’s most emotional exits.

MacIntyre, a likable, witty, clever and gifted musician, songwriter and singer, never let being visually challenged come between him and his dreams. However, last night, his Idol dream came to the end of its days. What was most touching about MacIntyre’s departure, was witnessing how truly heartbroken the judges, Simon Cowell among them, were to see Scott go. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Simon is not the Tin Man. He does indeed have a heart! Although they had the option of saving him, a decision they struggled greatly with right up until the last minutes of the show, in the end it was not in the cards for Scott.

It was not Scott’s first showing in the much-feared Bottom Three. This week he sat side by side with Lil Rounds and Anoop “Dawg” Desai. Rounds, a powerful singer with a few poor performances under her belt, was sent back into the running first, relieving her of the pressures I imagine the Bottom Three experience being singled out in front of everyone that way! Then poor Anoop and Scott were left to stew in their own worries, while the performances of Flo Rida and Idol alum Kellie Pickler played out. The Anoop and Scott have remained neck in neck with their showings in Bottom Three Land, so it was anyone’s guess at that point.

Scott MacIntyre wanted this win. Perhaps he was being delusional, but no one can ever fault him for being driven. Throughout his Idol days, Scott really did try his best. He tried to surprise the judges and the audience each week. He tried to remain innovative, contemporary and versatile. He came out each week and really did give it his all. Yet there are times when even your all is not enough when you’re up against giants.

MacIntyre’s talents are unquestioned, especially considering what he has had to overcome in order to hone these talents. He certainly was not in the same league as the remaining Idols, but it does not mean that Scott will be easily forgotten. Simon Cowell said it early on: “You’re one of the few I am going to remember.”

Scott’s good-humored pokes at the judges’ comments and at himself – for clothing and appearance, were welcomed. They eased the audience into the kind of comfort that made it easy to forget Scott was working as hard as anyone else to be present, to be there, to participate with little assistance, to be just as strong and vibrant as the rest of the group with a handicap no one else had to cope with.

Scott MacIntyre is, by no means, my favorite singer of this year’s contestants. I think he struggles with pitch problems a lot, even though you can’t say he doesn’t sing with passion. However, I must give credit where it is due. One only has to imagine what it must be like for Scott, day in and day out, functioning on the most limited visual scale. And yet to have the ambition and the drive to not only conquer his limitations, but also rise above them as a well-rounded musician and singer, is nothing short of miraculous. More so, to have it in him to place himself on the world’s stage, throwing privacy, caution and self-preservation to the wind, is admirable.

One other thing I have enjoyed about Scott’s time on the Idol stage is watching the other contestants look out for him. Perhaps there is some pre-show prepping that goes on, where a director or producer grabs one of the other singers and says: “Hey, you. It’s your turn this week to make sure Scott doesn’t walk off the stage, or go the wrong way.” If that is the case, well, then I prefer not to know it. Instead, allow me to enjoy watching compassionate human beings care for and look out for another because it stems from their hearts. Let me go on thinking that when Anoop, Lil, Alexis, or Adam place a gentle hand on Scott’s shoulder, or when Danny, Kris, or Matt Geraud ease him around the stage by the elbow, they’re doing so because they genuinely care.

After Ryan Seacrest called Scott out as the one to go last night, he was allowed to “sing for his life” to see if he could possibly become the candidate to benefit from this year’s newly installed rule, the “Judge’s Save”. Scott gave it his all, belting out Survivior’s The Search is Over, with the ironic first words being “How can I convince you that what you see is real…” Well, when all was said and done, he did not manage to convince anyone that he should remain in the competition and, speaking for the indecisive group, Simon just told him it ended there.

Paula Abdul closed out the show by sharing some heartfelt words about the kind of contestant Scott had been, what his participation brought to the competition and all who met him and how his triumph over adversity has changed everyone’s views on such matters. She told him he would be missed and sent him out with blessings. Aww, shucks, brought a tear to my eye!

So…for the record…Scott MacIntyre is no longer in the running. A lot of folks say he overstayed his welcome, dragged on his 15-minutes of fame for too long. That is probably true, but I am not worried about him. Someone with connections will probably latch on to him – market him as a new Stevie or Ray – get him a record deal. He will be fine. His Plan B was to put himself out there and now he has.

Sayonara, Scott! I am sure that a career in the music industry of some kind will come your way. After this stint in the Idol Boot Camp, you’ve got your shot. We’ll be watching out for you!


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