Idol is Down to the Wire

Well, well...Tonight's American Idol episode sure did have it's ups and downs. It was like a roller coaster, only faster. (As an FYI...I am home resting for a couple of days. I hurt my back at work in the most bizarre way. Don't ask, I have no answers).

So, we're down to three contestants as the finale of Idol is fast approaching. The so-called 'rocker' teen, Alison Iraheta, finally got her walking papers. True to herself to the last, she was oddly awkward in her good-byes, saluting her tribute montage with an Arsenio Hall arm pumping throwback. And although I personally believed it was long overdue, the chick with the crazy hair and attire borrowed from a friendly streetwalker, had sort of redeemed herself - belting out songs with such fierce passion, it was hard to ignore she had skills.

Not surprisingly, the final three standing are of the male persuasion. Truth be told, this outcome - barring any sudden burst of likability by Alison - was a given early in the competition. The male singers were just that much better this year. There was not one female finalist whom I believed could really take it all. It was the difference between the Carrie Underwoods and the Diana DeGarmos of the world.

The guys, on the other hand, were incredibly talented, leaving us wondering who could be the last man standing. Memories of Ruben and Clay are surfacing. OK, enough reminiscing. In Season 8 of Idol, the three guys left in the running are Kris Allen (recognized Dark Horse), Danny Gokey (sentimental favorite) and Adam Lambert (...). Not sure how to describe this guy.

Kris, I honestly believed, was much too humble to last this long and sincerely thought this would be his last night. Ryan Seacrest made sure to call him to safety first to add to the drama, since I was not alone in my school of thinking. The obvious outcome did not pan out, leaving the risk of a good-bye squarely in the laps of Danny and Alison. There was just no chance on God's Green Earth that Adam was "in trouble". It had to be Danny (who tried to take on Aerosmith and failed), or Alison (who is a mini-me for Janis Joplin). Yet judging from Time Spent in Bottom Three land, it was a given that it would NOT be Danny.

But let's go to commercial break...
In other Idol news -

Paula Abdul took to the stage to perform a new song off of this as-yet-to-be-released pop and dance album she keeps promising. I must say Ms. Abdul was in top form! She was in her element, if you will, with her first love, which has always been dancing. It was very Madonna, "Material Girl", circa 1985, with the boy dancers tossing around some steps like a softball.

Sure, sure, the whole planet knows she was lipsynching - but come on! Girlfriend is a mere four years shy of 50. Give her some props. I can only hope to be that agile and able-bodied at her age - I mean enough to take to a stage on live TV in front of millions and kick it up like a teenager. I bow down to her and you best get your curtsey on , too!

Other performances, in a crazy Idol hour slightly over-booked with acts, included the insanely energetic on-again, off-again band No Doubt. Headed by über Mom and super cool fearless female, Gwen Stefani, No Doubt jumped around that stage to an old favorite, "I'm Just a Girl" much to the delight of all present. Clearly, Ms. Stefani did not lipsynch, but that did not keep the adrenaline junkie from racking up miles across that stage. I was exhausted when she was done.

Idol Rock Week mentor, Slash, also performed. I have nothing to say. I know he is some rock-n-roll god, but...I don't like his kind of music, so I can't honestly comment on whether it was good or bad. Joe?

Finally, Sweet Revenge came on - I mean, Chris Daughtry. He had the distinct pleasure of returning to the Idol stage as a Super Sized Superstar. He got the chance to perform and to get his quadruple platinum album presented to him in a frame by this year's hopefuls. It has got to taste like sweet, smooth chocolate cake to come back to the show that tossed him aside in 4th place some seasons ago. It's even creamier chocolate to come back as huge as he has become.

Alison, take some pointers from this guy - it's not over, when it's over.


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